It is at least better than First Knight. While reading Twelfth Night, I discovered that the insult toss-pot is a middle-English phrase for a drunk. The etymology of which is that beer was served in ceramic pots which the "toss-pots" would throw backwards as they glugged. And not, as I have always assumed, that it was some kind of archaic vessel for the catchment of masturbatory issue. So there you have it, I have been using the insult wrong for the majority of my life. And, it is not nearly as insulting as I thought. Twelfth night is thankfully the last of Shakespeare 's comedies before the "problem plays" begin. And it's fine, there's a lot of thinly veiled knob jokes, the usual cross-dressing and a standard clown. If you plan on reading it, probably best not to read all the other comedies in a row because these tropes do get wearing. 3/5 It's fine.